• Are you wanting to build a profitable online business?

  • Are you ready to wholistically invest in yourself?

  • Are you ready to have fun, freedom and flow?

Are you Ready to become a Wealthy Women and Work with Marilyn Rose?

Does this sound like you?

Posting On Social to Crickets?

Are you showing up and posting content everyday on the IG and on your feeds and MAYBE getting 5-10 likes but worse not even one client or sale?

Not Making the Sales You Want?

Getting some discovery calls but ending up giving away free advice and not closing sales? Using a script but there seems to be no flow?

Overworking with No Results?

you're doing all the things, you're putting in extra hours, you're putting loads of work in and you're just not seeing the results. Something is missing,

Karen was having the same problems until now...

"I always have had a coach before, and they got to me to where I was, but it wasn't until speaking with Marilyn that I was able to take actionable steps that got me results that i wanted."

• Karen Pena | Wisconsin

About Marilyn Rose

Marilyn is the Founder of Wealthy Women, a platform for ambitious, faith based women.

She is an international speaker, TedX speaker and has traveled world wide working with entrepreneurs.

Originally born in America, Marilyn has a degree from the UW-Madison, as she graduated in three years. she started her first online business in 2015 with an online course.

After much success, she presented workshops internationally to teach others to get started. Marilyn has since continued her studies both in her faith and in unani tibb in London, UK. She has reached over 10,000 people worldwide with her podcasts and have helped her students with their confidence, clarity and increased lifestyle cash flow.

If you're ready to upgrade your life and your business...